Inverting VIIRS images

With release v1.0.4 it is possible to invert a raw VIIRS image per band. This can be usefull for Infrared images. As usual you can download this release on Github.

New release v1.0.2

A new release is posted on Github. This release allows you to show the files from the FengYun 2E/2G as they are received from ‘Data Channel 12’.

New Windows binary in GitHub

To facilitate the installation of EUMETCastView for Window users I uploaded a new zip file with all the necessary dll’s in the release section

Introducing EUMETCastView

After quite a few years of developing this software I finally decided to publish it as Open Software. The software has evolved from a satellite prediction program to a viewer for AVHRR, VIIRS and HRIT/LRIT images.

Originally it was an exercise in Qt 3.0, but as the program progressed I included an OpenGL globe, XRIT and AVHRR imagery decoding software and finally, when the data from the SUOMI-NPP came available in EUMETCast, I included also VIIRS imagery decoding. The current version uses Qt 5.5.

This kind of software is of course never finished, and I intend to extend it with new features.